Term Policy

Chapter 1. PODOAL service

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and the users regarding the use of the service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), and to stipulate other necessary matters.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows, and the interpretation of terms not defined herein shall be governed by relevant laws and separate guidelines provided within the service application:

1. ”Service” refers to the application service that allows users to access news related to artists, participate in communities, and use features such as fan voting.

2. “Users” refers to a user who downloads the company’s application program, agrees to these terms, enters into a service contract, and properly joins the service.

3. “App” refers to the “PODOAL” application program developed by the company for the service.

4. “PODOAL” refers to points that users can accumulate and redeem or receive as compensation for community activities, attendance, gifting, completion of advertisements, and other service uses, as well as official voting, events, and fulfillment of conditions.

5. “PODO Jelly” refers to points that users can accumulate and redeem or receive as compensation for watching advertisements, completing offers, and other service uses, as well as official voting, events, and fulfillment of conditions.

6. “User information” refers to necessary information (nickname, email) required to maintain the quality of the service.

7. The definition of terms used in this agreement shall be governed by relevant laws and service-specific policies, and in the absence thereof, general custom and practices shall apply.

8. Matters not specified in this agreement and the interpretation of this agreement shall be governed by relevant laws such as the “Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions,” the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection,” the “Content Industry Promotion Act,” the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce,” and customary practices.

Article 3 (Effect and Amendment of the Terms and Conditions)

1. These terms and conditions become effective by being posted on the service screen and notified to the users.

2. The company may amend these terms and conditions within the scope that does not violate the “Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions,” the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection,” the “Content Industry Promotion Act,” the “Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce,” and other related laws.

3. These terms and conditions may be amended when necessary. If the company intends to amend the terms and conditions, it shall notify the revised terms and conditions, the effective date, and the reason for the amendment at least 7 days prior to the effective date, along with the current terms and conditions. The notice of the revised terms and conditions may be posted on the service page or notified to the user through the email or text message registered at the time of signing-up. The revised terms and conditions take effect from the date of notice or notification.

4. Users have the right to disagree with the entire or partial content of the amended terms and conditions. Users who have objections to the amendment of these terms and conditions may terminate the service contract by withdrawing their account. However, if the service contract is terminated, the user will no longer be able to use the service provided after logging in.

5. If the company announces or notifies the revised terms and conditions in accordance with the preceding paragraph and the user or member does not express their intention within 30 days, it is considered that the intention has been expressed as being in agreement with he revised terms and conditions, even if the user explicitly refused.

6. The company may establish and operate individual terms and conditions or usage policies for specific service if necessary, and such details can be announced within the service. Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions shall be governed by applicable laws, individual terms and conditions, or usage policies.

Article 4 (Conclusion of the Service Agreement)

1. If an individual (hereinafter referred to as the “applicant”) who intends to become a user of the company agrees to these terms and conditions, the “Privacy Policy,” and completes the registration form provided by the company to apply for service usage, the service agreement is concluded when the company approves the application.

2. The service agreement is valid for individuals aged 14 or above (or the age of legal adulthood in the respective country implementing EU GDPR accounts) who can comply with the company’s service terms and conditions. Even if a user is under 14 years old and unable to use the service, if they use the service, their account will be suspended and deleted.

3. Depending on individual country-specific laws, the age requirement for parental or legal guardian consent may be lowered to 13 years old.

4. As a general principle, the company approves the application for service usage by the “applicant”.

However, the company may terminate the service membership agreement for the following reasons after the application is submitted:

① If the applicant has previously lost membership status under these terms and conditions (except in cases where the company has granted approval for rejoining as a user).

② If the applicant is of an age where service usage is not permitted.

③ If the applicant has fraudulently used another person’s identity.

④ If the applicant provides false information or fails to provide the information requested by the company (including the use of disposable email addresses).

⑤ If the applicant’s application is in violation of the specified requirements due to the user’s own fault or any other violation of the prescribed provision.

5. In the case of an application pursuant to paragraph 1, the company may request user authentication.

6. If there is a possibility of potential issues related to facility operation, technology, or other operational matters regarding the service, the company may defer approval.

7. The company may provide various information related to advertisements and services to users via email, SMS, or other means for the smooth provision of services. If a user does not wish to receive such information, they can refuse to receive it through the wireless service at any time.

8. During the operation of the service, if the service administrated restricts the qualification of a user in accordance with the company’s policy, the user may be subject to limitations in using the service.

9. The company may withhold approval until the reasons listed below are resolved:

① Insufficient company resources or difficulties in supporting specific devices or technical issues.

② Service disruption or failures in service usage fees or payment methods.

③ Any other reasons that make it difficult to approve the application, similar to those listed above.

Article 5 (Activity Points)

1. The “Company” provides “Activity Points” (referred to as PODOAL or PODO Jelly) to “users” who use the service.

2. The details of accumulated “PODOAL and PODO Jelly” can be viewed on the PODOAL account page within the service.

3. In the case of discrepancies between the “PODOAL and PODO Jelly” displayed in the app used by the “user” and the records stored on the server, regarding the details and total amount of “PODOAL”, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the “Company”, the records stored on the server shall be used as the basis. The “user” cannot request corrections based on the contents recorded in software, OS, devices, etc.

4. If the “User” determines that there is an error in the process of details of “PODOAL and PODO Jelly” accumulation, the “user” may request the “company” to rectify or correct the error within three days from the date of discovering the error. If the request is justified, the “company” will take necessary actions within three days from the date of the request.

5. If the app used by the “user” has “PODOAL and PODO jelly” accumulated through unauthorized changes, tampering, hacking, or any other improper actions not authorized by the “company”, the “company” may cancel the accumulated “PODOAL and PODO Jelly” associated with such actions and restrict the service usage of the respective “user”.

Article 6 (Provision of Service)

1. The services provided by the company to users, in accordance with these terms and conditions, are as follows, and customers who wish to use the service must sign up as users following the procedures specified in these terms and conditions:

① Artist News Service

- The company may distribute information related to artists, such as the latest news.

② Artist Community Service

- Users can freely communicate with other users through the service.

③ Artist Fan-Voting Service

- Users can participate in voting by using the activity points “PODOAL” to select artist among the candidates for votes through the service.

④ In addition to the services mentioned in the above items, the company may develop and provide additional services to users.

2. The company may divide the service into specific ranges and designate separate available times for each range. However, in such cases, the details will be announced in advance.

3. The service is provided 24 hours a day, all year round, as a general rule.

4. The company may temporarily suspend the provision of the service in the event of computer or information and communication equipment maintenance, replacement, malfunction, communication disruption, or significant operational reasons. In such cases, the company will notify the users in accordance with Article 22[Notice to Users]. However, in unavoidable circumstances where prior notice is not possible, the company may provide notification afterwards.

5. The company may conduct regular inspections if necessary for the provision of the service, and the regular inspection period will be announced on the service provision screen.

6. The services provided by the company are tailored to mobile devices or the characteristics of mobile communication providers. In the case of changes in mobile devices, number changes, or international roaming, the use of all or part of the content may be unavailable. In such cases, the company shall not be held responsible.

Article 7 (Modification and Termination of Service)

1. The company may modify or terminate all or part of the services provided, based on operational and technological needs such as difficulties in providing smooth services due to decreased usage, deterioration of profitability, the necessity of transitioning to next-generation services due to technological advancements, or changes in company policies related to service provision.

2. The company may modify, suspend, or terminate all or part of the services provided, whether paid or free, as necessary for company policies and operations. Unless otherwise stipulated by relevant laws, no separate compensation will be provided to users in relation to such modifications, suspensions, or terminations.

3. In the event of changes or suspensions in the content, method, or operating hours of the service, the company will provide prior notice to users and members at least 60 days in advance through methods that are sufficiently recognizable to users and members, such as the “Notice” page within the service, specifying the details reasons, and effective date of the changes or suspensions.

Article 8 (Ownership of Rights and Use of Content)

1. Users retain the copyright to the text, images, videos, links, and other information (hereinafter referred to as 'posts') they create during the use of the service. Users are also solely responsible for any infringement of intellectual property rights of others caused by their posts.

2. When the company modifies, edits, or creates derivative content from a user's posts for use, it obtains the user's permission. Users have the right to delete their posts at any time.

3. If a user's registered post violates relevant laws, such as the Copyright Act, or is deemed to infringe upon the rights of others, including privacy invasion or defamation, the company may temporarily block access to or delete the relevant post.

4. The company owns the copyrights to all content created and provided by the company.

5. Unless explicitly granted through a separate written agreement between the company and the user, the user is not granted the right to use the company's or the service's trade name, trademark, service mark, logo, domain name, or other distinctive brand features.

6. By posting content on the service, users are deemed to have granted permission for other users to use their posts within the service or for the company to use them in search results. However, users have the option to modify, delete, or take other actions regarding their posts using the management functions within the service.

Article 9 (Management of Posts)

1. Users who upload posts within the service are responsible for and retain the rights to their posts.

2. The company cannot monitor or manage the content created by users and is not responsible for it.

3. The company does not take responsibility for the reliability, truthfulness, or accuracy of users' registered posts and does not guarantee them.

4. If a user's post contains content that violates relevant laws, such as the Information and Communications Network Act or the Copyright Act, the rights holder can request the suspension or deletion of the relevant post through the procedures stipulated by the relevant laws, and the company may take appropriate action according to the relevant laws.

5. The company may restrict the publication of posts within the service that fall under the following categories.

① Content that invades privacy, defames others, uses offensive language, or causes discomfort to others.

② Content that undermines public order and morals, or disparages specific groups, organizations, or religions and causes discomfort to others.

③ Content that infringes upon others' rights with unverified or baseless information.

④ Content that infringes upon the copyright of others.

⑤ Content that includes others' personal information.

⑥ Content that contains advertisements or promotional material.

⑦ Repetitive posting of identical content.

⑧ Content that disrupts the company's smooth provision of services, such as malicious code.

⑨ Other content that is determined to have an inappropriate impact on the smooth use of services by users.

6. Posts set as private by users cannot be accessed by others, including the company. However, if the company is requested to provide information by a court, investigative agency, or other administrative agency or if it is required by other laws, the company and other relevant parties may be allowed to access the relevant posts.

7. If a user terminates their membership agreement, the posts they have created may be deleted. However, if the posts were created through joint collaboration, the relevant posts may remain in the posts of the joint collaborators, and if the posts are stored by a third party or reproduced without permission, the company is not responsible for the re-publication of such posts.

8. The company may retain the user's ID and user information even after the termination of the membership agreement in order to protect other users and to use them as evidence according to court orders, requests from investigative agencies or relevant institutions, and in accordance with the company's privacy policy and related laws regarding retention periods.

Article 10 (Use of Paid Services)

1. The company provides the following paid services, and may add or modify the content of the services based on the company's circumstances and other conditions:

A. Subscription based service: A service where the usage fee is automatically charged on a monthly basis through In-App payments, and the usage period is automatically renewed.

B. Fixed term service: A service where the usage of the paid service ends when the available period expires.

C. Paid recharge items: PODOAL and PODO Jelly recharge items used for the company’s transaction agreements, commitments, and fulfillment of conditions.

2. The company may change or add paid services as necessary for operational reasons, and will provide prior notice to users in accordance with Article 6 (Provision of Services) methods.

Article 11 (Cancellation and Refund of Paid Services)

1. Users can withdraw their subscription within 7 days from the payment date if they have not used the paid services at all. However, cancellation and refund are limited in the following cases:

A. If the user has already used all or part of the acquired service goods (PODOAL, PODO Jelly) obtained through payment.

B. If the purchased pass or ticket starts to be used immediately or is immediately applied to the service.

C. If the payment was made due to the user's simple negligence.

2. When a user terminates a paid service contract that has already been paid for, they can continue to use the paid services for the remaining contract period.

3. Refunds will be processed according to the refund policy of the company or each application store.

4. Users can request cancellation or refund through customer service or email, and the company may request additional proof after verifying the purchase details for the refund of the purchase amount.

5. If the reason for cancellation or refund is due to the company's service discontinuation or the company's fault, the company will bear the cost of refunding the purchase amount. However, in cases other than these, the user's benefits obtained from using the paid services and fees related to the refund will be deducted and refunded.

6. The company is not obligated to refund the paid service payment for paid services acquired and used by users for free through promotions or other means.

7. If a minor makes a payment without the consent of a legal representative, the minor or the legal representative can cancel the payment. However, if the minor deceives by pretending to be an adult or by making the legal representative believe that there is consent, the payment cannot be canceled.

8. In the case of monthly recurring payments for paid services according to the application or agreement of paid users, if the user fails to pay the service usage fee, the membership can be automatically terminated on the day when the overdue occurs. Therefore, paid users who wish to maintain the paid services should take measures in advance to prevent non-payment of usage fees or payment method delinquency.

9. If a paid user who is using the paid services withdraws account, the corresponding paid services will be immediately terminated, and no refund will be possible. In this case, the paid user's information and the usage history of the PODOAL service will be processed according to the terms and conditions of PODOAL and these terms.

10. If repeated requests for cancellation or refund for the same reason or type, or if cancellation or refund continues due to unjustifiable reasons, there may be restrictions on service usage.

11. Once the cancellation or refund is completed, the retrieval process for the purchased items will proceed, and the services used with PODOAL will be invalidated. The company may also restrict or modify the services.

Article 12 (Suspension and Termination of Paid Services)

1. The company provides paid services 24 hours a day, year-round.

2. The company may restrict, suspend, or terminate all or part of the services during inspections and maintenance aimed at improving the service for users. The company will provide prior notice to users regarding the details of the inspections and maintenance.

3. In the following cases, the company will take immediate action and provide notice as soon as they are confirmed.

A. When the provision of normal services is technically difficult due to illegal or criminal activities by users or other unidentified third parties.

B. When there are system or other service facility failures, wireless or wired network failures, or overwhelming usage of paid services that make it impossible to provide normal paid services.

C. In cases of natural disasters, national emergencies, power outages, or other uncontrollable force majeure events beyond the company's control.

Article 13 (Company’s Obligation)

1. The company shall not engage in any acts prohibited by relevant laws and these terms and conditions or acts contrary to public morals. The company shall make continuous and best efforts to provide services in a stable and consistent manner.

2. The company shall make every effort to protect the personal information (including credit information) of users and ensure their safety in using the services. The company shall disclose and comply with the privacy policy, except for cases specified in these terms and conditions and the privacy policy, to prevent the disclosure or provision of users' personal information to third parties.

3. If opinions or complaints raised by users regarding service usage are deemed valid, the company shall handle them accordingly. The company shall communicate the process and results of handling the opinions or complaints raised by users through notice boards, email, or other means of communication.

4. The company shall make every effort, without delay, to repair or restore facilities in the event of equipment failure or loss or damage of data during service improvement, unless there are unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters, emergencies, or technical issues that cannot be resolved with current technology, to ensure continuous and stable service provision.

Article 14 (User’s Obligation)

1. Users must not engage in the following actions. If any of the following actions are committed, the company may restrict the user's service usage, delete their account, take legal actions including reporting to investigative agencies, or impose other appropriate sanctions, in accordance with these terms and conditions and the operating policies announced for each service.

① Providing false information during registration or when modifying registration details or using the service.

② Impersonating another person’s information.

③ Unauthorized alteration of information posted by the company.

④ Collecting other users' personal information and account details.

⑤ Sending commercial advertisements without the prior consent of the company for the purpose of profit.

⑥ Any form of alteration, replication, disassembly, imitation, or modification of the service, or any other unauthorized manipulation of the service.

⑦ Disrupting the company's normal service by using the service in a manner that deviates from its intended use, such as using automated access programs.

⑧ Granting access rights to third parties without the company's authorization.

⑨ Infringing on the copyrights or intellectual property rights of the company or other third parties.

⑩ Damaging the reputation of the company or other third parties or obstructing business operations.

⑪ Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, sounds, or other information that violates public morals through the service.

⑫ Using the service for profit without the company's consent.

⑬ Engaging in other illegal or unfair activities.

2. Users must comply with relevant laws, the provisions of these terms and conditions, guidelines and precautions related to the service, and notices provided by the company, and must not engage in any actions that may disrupt the company's operations.

3. Users are responsible for the management of their accounts and mobile devices, and must not allow others to use them. The company shall not be held liable for any damages caused by the user's negligence in managing their mobile device or granting others permission to use it.

Article 15 (Modification of User Information)

Users can access and modify their personal information when necessary for the modification of this service. Users can access and modify their personal information related to the use of the service through the application screen.

However, certain information such as nickname and device identification number (device ID or IMEI) necessary for service management cannot be modified.

Articlde 16 (User’s Obligation to Manage Information)

1. The user is responsible for managing their own information and must not allow third parties to use it.

2. If there is a concern that the user's information may pose a risk of personal information leakage, violate social norms, or create a misunderstanding that the user is associated with the company or its operators, the company may restrict the use of such information.

3. If the user becomes aware that their information has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions.

4. In the event that a user fails to notify the company of such incidents in accordance with the provisions of the third clause or fails to comply with the company's instructions after notification, the company shall not be held responsible for any resulting disadvantages.

Article 17 (Collection of Information)

1. The company may collect and store user's participation information(vote, events ,etc), point history information, and community activity information, and this information will be retained by the company only. The company may allow third parties to access this information only in cases where it is necessary for dispute resolution between users, handling complaints, or maintaining service order, and when such access is authorized by law.

2. If a third party accesses the information in accordance with paragraph 1, the company will notify the respective user in advance of the reason and scope of the access. However, in cases where it is necessary to access this information for the investigation, processing, confirmation, or resolution of prohibited acts under Article 14, paragraph 1, or for remedying any damages caused by such acts, the notification may be provided after the access.

3. For the smooth and stable operation of the service and the improvement of service quality, the company may collect and utilize information about the user's mobile device (settings, specifications, operating system, version, etc.) excluding personal information.

4. The company may request additional information from the user for the purpose of service improvement and providing targeted services. The user may accept or refuse such requests, and in the event of a request, the company will also notify the user that they have the right to refuse the request.

Article 18 (Termination and Disqualification/Suspension of Service Agreement)

1. Users may terminate the agreement or request a suspension of service at their own discretion.

2. If a user requests a suspension of service, they must follow the procedures specified by the company. Users can simply terminate the service usage by deleting the PODOAL App from their own device without any separate termination process.

3. The company may take measures such as withholding/suspending/terminating membership without prior notice to users who fall under any of the following conditions. In this case, the user cannot claim any rights related to the service.

① If false information was provided during the sign-up process.

② If the user participates in events provided by the service through illegitimate means.

A. Illegitimate means refer to using mobile application development programs or separate illegal programs for participating in events and acquiring points. Users must follow the event participation procedure provided by the company using their authenticated devices and service-specific applications. Any other methods will be considered illegitimate means.

③ If the user disrupts the normal service of the company by using automatic connection programs or engaging in activities that deviate from normal usage.

④ If the user violates the operating policies announced by the company through service notices.

⑤ In the event of the user’s death.

⑥ If the user threatens, harasses, or causes continuous distress and inconvenience to other users within the service.

⑦ If the user impersonates the company's operator/employee or the company itself within the service.

⑧ If the user uses another individual's personal information illegally by stealing it during the sign-up process or collects the personal information of other users such as their ID/email accounts.

⑨ If the user engages in illegal activities during service usage that violate laws or acts that harm public safety, order, and morals, or if they form groups based on racial/sexual/religious/ideological biases.

⑩ If the user threatens the company's website or client program by modifying it without special authorization from the company or by hacking its servers.

⑪ If the user engages in acts that infringe upon related laws, such as illegal reproduction of software or trafficking in third-party copyrighted materials, or infringes upon other rights, including intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.

⑫ If the user is determined to be involved in criminal activities or activities that violate relevant laws.

⑬ If the user engages in activities that induce or encourage other users to commit prohibited actions specified in subparagraphs ⑥ through ⑫.

⑭ If the user violates the obligations of the user as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions.

Article 19 (Membership Withdrawal and Handling of Points)

A user who wishes to withdraw from membership will be able to do so by following the withdrawal request procedure provided by the company. At the time of withdrawal, any points held by the user will be permanently forfeited, and paid services will be terminated immediately.

However, the user's ID, excluding personal information, will not be deleted for the purpose of providing participation history information for events and prize winnings.

Article 20 (Obligation to Protect Personal Information)

The company strives to protect the personal information of users and users in accordance with relevant laws, including the 'Information and Communications Network Act.' The protection and use of personal information are subject to applicable laws and the company's privacy policy.

Article 21 (Provision of Information and Advertisement Placement)

1. The company may provide various information that is deemed necessary for users during the use of the service through methods such as 'Notices' within the service, service screens, etc. However, users may refuse to receive such information, except for transaction-related information and customer inquiries in accordance with applicable laws.

2. The company may place advertisements on PODOAL service screens and other related platforms for the operation of the service.

- Smart device reward services through existing advertising methods such as CPI, CPS, CPM, CPV, CPC, CPQ, CPE, CPO.

- Any service or content provided by the company through additional development or partnership agreements with other companies.

3. Through the services, banners, or links provided by the company, connections may be made to advertisements or services provided by others.

4. If connected to advertisements or services provided by others as stated in Clause 3, the content provided in that area is not within the company's service scope. Therefore, the company does not guarantee reliability, stability, etc., and shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by users. However, this provision shall not apply if the company intentionally or negligently facilitates the occurrence of damages or fails to take measures to prevent damages.

Article 22 (Ownership of Rights)

1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights of works created by the company belong to the company.

2. The rights and responsibilities regarding the works posted by users while using the service belong to the users themselves.

3. Users may not transmit, reproduce, distribute, publish, broadcast, or allow third parties to use for profit purposes any information obtained through the company's service without prior approval, if such information is subject to intellectual property rights of the company or the information-providing entity.

4. Users grant permission to the company to use all materials and information, including but not limited to text, images, sounds, and videos, that they post within the service or transmit to other users.

5. The company may blind or delete specific posts without prior notice if they are deemed to be defamatory, infringing on privacy, or in violation of social norms or laws. The company may also delete or restore posts based on consultation with users and in accordance with relevant laws and company policies.

6. The provisions of Clause 4 shall remain effective during the operation of the service and continue to apply even after the user's withdrawal or termination of the contract.

Article 23 (Notice to Users)

1. Unless otherwise specified in these terms and conditions, the company may provide notice to users via email.

2. In the case of a notice to all users, the company may post the notice on the service screen for a period of 7 days or longer, in addition to the notice mentioned in Article 1.

Article 24 (Restrictions on Use, etc)

1. If a user violates the obligations of these terms and conditions or disrupts the normal operation of the service, the company may restrict the use of the service through warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent suspensions, in a step-by-step manner.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in the event of violations such as the use of disposable email addresses, provision and obstruction of illegal programs in violation of the 'Copyright Act' and 'Computer Program Protection Act,' illegal communication and hacking in violation of the 'Information and Communication Network Act,' distribution of malicious software, exceeding access permissions, etc., the company may immediately impose permanent suspensions. In the case of permanent suspension pursuant to this clause, all benefits obtained through the use of the service will also be forfeited, and the company will not provide separate compensation for this.

3. The conditions and details of restrictions within the scope of use restrictions under this article shall be determined by the company's policy on use restrictions.

4. In the event of restrictions on the use of the service or termination of the contract pursuant to this article, the company shall notify the user in accordance with Article 23 [Notice to Users].

5. A user may file an objection in accordance with the procedure established by the company regarding the use restrictions and others under this article. If the company recognizes the objection as valid, the related account will immediately resume the use of the service.

Article 25 (Disclaimer)

1. The company shall be exempt from liability for the provision of services in the event of force majeure or similar circumstances (such as server failure due to excessive concurrent access to the service).

2. The company shall not be held responsible for any service disruptions caused by the user's own fault.

3. The company shall not be held responsible for the content and copyright of events registered in the service, which are provided by the event organizers. The company shall also not be held responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or any other aspects of information, data, or facts posted by users regarding the service.

4. The company shall be exempt from liability for transactions or dealings between users or between a user and a third party facilitated through the service.

5. The company shall not be held responsible for the use of free services unless otherwise stipulated by relevant laws.

6. The company shall not be responsible for monitoring the content and quality of products or services advertised by third parties on the service screens or elsewhere.

7. The company, its employees, and agents shall not be held responsible for the following damages:

① Damages resulting from false or inaccurate status information provided by members or users.

② Personal damages arising from the access to and use of the service, regardless of the nature and circumstances.

③ Damages resulting from any unauthorized access to the server or illegal use of the server by third parties.

④ Damages resulting from any illegal interference or interruption of transmission to or from the server by third parties.

⑤ Damages caused by viruses, spyware, and other malicious programs transmitted illegally or made available through the use of the service by third parties.

⑥ Damages resulting from errors, omissions, or destruction of transmitted data.

⑦ Various civil and criminal liabilities arising from defamation and other illegal acts occurring during the registration of information and the use of the service between users.

Supplementary Provision

These terms and conditions shall be effective from June 1, 2023.

The current terms and conditions can be found within the PODOAL App service.